@Land Owner
Axie Infinity Raylights Update
🌱 What’s New 🌱
• Unique Plant Instances
- We’re making some changes to how the plant instances are handled to prepare for the release of Chapter 2
- Each plant instance can now appear in only one land at a time
- The limits are enforced when you log on to your land, so the order in which you visit your lands is important
- When you visit a land, the number of unassigned plant instances in your inventory is compared against the number of plants of that type on the current land; once you run out of unassigned plant instances, the rest of those plants are removed from your land
- Example: You own 2 lands. You have grown 2 roses and placed 1 on your first land and 2 on your second land. When you visit the first land, the plant you have there will spend one of your unassigned plant instances, leaving 1. Upon accessing your second land, one of the roses there is assigned the remaining plant instance and the other one gets removed since you have no unassigned plant instances left.