Patch Notes - Ship Config (V2)
We just implemented our patch to ship configs. Read on to learn more about the highlights of the patch.👇
PATCH NOTES:• Implemented various fixes to ensure consistent adherence to V2 rule sets outlined in the Star Atlas Lore Wiki
• Adjusted Crew, Components, and Mods across all ships to ensure consistent ordering
• Updated ship dimensions to match latest work done in Unreal Engine 5
• Gave the Pearce F4 and Pearce X4 a Cargo module to be more consistent with their description. Implemented other minor module tweaks
• Adjusted Calico Guardian, VZUS Ballad, Pearce T1, and the Fimbul BYOS Tankship weapons. Adjusted some slower ships to be given turrets in lieu of fixed weapons
• Adjusted Bombers to be more consistent in their bomb bay packages, but have reduced fixed weapons
• Added Utility Rigs to several ships that were missing them
• Added Janitors and other crew members that were missing from several ships
• Made minor adjustments to the Opal Jet, Opal Jetjet, Fimbul Mamba and Pearce X5 descriptions
• Adjusted Drone ports across all ships to be correct total class and quantity
• Added stealth to the MFG bonus table for VZUS
• Adjusted the VZUS opod and VZUS ambwe to no longer sport undersized heat sinks