@everyone Dev Blog #56 is out!
We have made some exciting progress on the 3D renders for our characters in the past 2 weeks, be sure to check out the images in the blog and let us know what you think!
Full development blog: https://galaxyfightclub.medium.com/dev-blog-56-a3162dc92f04
a) Game and Web3 Development
- GFC Game Backend: Completed the Galaxy Universe backend; developing a new GFC PvP data system with friend, party, guild features, and achievements; new system testing expected in 2 weeks
- PC Client & Character Modeling: Making final design adjustments to the new character model, including armor texture and rounding edges; paused development on the PC client
- Project T: Initial Galaxy Terra trait concepts created; 3D model rendering based on these concepts starts next week
- UI/UX Update: Mechanics pages are being revamped, with new video guides in progress for better user experience
- Battle Royale: Review of the codebase is ongoing, with some delays due to UI/UX rework; aiming for full-speed development post-rework
- Bugs and Testing: Addressed issues like spectator mode sluggishness, Plasma Sword visual bug, player glitches on Battle Royale map, and weapon switch issues; made improvements on AOE aiming
b) Business Development & Marketing
- Collaboration with NFTLook: Exciting collaboration allowing users to create memes using Genesis Fighters; NFTLook's tweet provides more insights
- Twitter Highlights: Three significant tweets, including the collaboration with NFTLook, are highlighted for the community's easy reference
- Discord Updates: Rolling out custom bots like Fighterstats, Linkaccount, and Redeem; introduced 'AutoMod' to monitor chat behavior, and changed community calls & AMA frequency to monthly
c) Community
- Recent Tournaments: Bi-weekly AMA Melee tournament took place on Asia server; bitZen emerged as the winner among other notable participants
- Special Tournament: Celebrating the 2nd anniversary of GFC's first mint with a special tournament on August 19th; the tournament will have conditions like using only GEN1 fighters and a boosted prize pool of $1,200