Hi @everyone
Our biweekly update #58 is now out!
Full dev blog: https://galaxyfightclub.medium.com/dev-blog-58-492fecca281
Weapon Updates:
- We've adjusted the ranges of most basic melee weapons from 2 x 3 to 2.5 x 2.5, excluding the Pick. The cooldown time for these weapons has been increased from 1.8s to 1.9s.
- Our Candy Cane, Sword, Axe, and Pick have all seen improvements in their ultimate damage outputs, with the Pick also benefiting from a normal damage boost.
- Several of our common weapons have new skill ranges. For instance, both the Battle Axe and Monkey Paw Staff now have a 3 x 3 normal skill range.
- We've revised the Molotov Cocktail's damage calculation and range. Plus, its ultimate now releases three projectiles.
- The Plasma Grenade's normal and ultimate skills have a reduced range and slower projectile velocity.
- Some uncommon weapons, like the BroomStick and Claws, now have a 1.9s reload time.
- Our Epic Weapon, Retribution, now has faster projectiles and improved skills.
- The legendary Asteroid Pink has a new ultimate that creates mini asteroids around the player.
- We've adjusted the shields for melee and ranged weapons, affecting damage block and active time.
**Project T Draft Render: **We've been refining trait layering to ensure consistency.
UI/UX Update: Our new improvements are ready, and user guides are in the works. Expect a revamped dashboard with light/dark mode options.
Battle Royale Mode: We've made changes to APIs to ensure compatibility with this mode and revamped the reward systems.
- GCOIN Burn: We've burnt a large amount of GCOIN across various contracts.
- GCOIN Discount: We're offering a 50% discount on the weapon forge until September 12th.
- Battle Royale Beta: We've moved the closed beta test to the last quarter of 2023 to better align with our goals.
- Team Restructuring: We're optimizing our team structure. This may impact simultaneous feature development, but it's in the best interest of our growth.
- Discord Pop-up Matches: We're introducing matches with shard rewards to boost community engagement.
- Twitter Highlights: Our recent tweets provide insights into the latest updates. Do check them out!
- Tournaments: Our Ibiza and Medieval tournaments were successful! Congratulations to AFT-1, Jungle G, and bitZEN for their achievements.
- Pop-up Battles: This week, we've organized battles where players can earn gold shards.
- Upcoming "Season": Get ready for our October surprises! We've released some teasers to whet your appetite.
- Potential Partnership: Stay tuned! We have an exciting event lined up, and the community buzz is growing